Guest Artists
Charity Holds Strong Communities w/ Special Guest Ruth Ann Lee
Hollywood Live in Los Angeles with Katie Tschopp and Debra Lee

Jammie Niemeyer
Social Justice

Dorothy Doring
International Vocalist

John Lauritsen - Emcee
WCCO News Personality and Reporter

Tasha Redel, Emcee
Bureau Chief, News Reporter Broadcaster Minnesota News Network

Sandy Lee and Bev Barnes

Tommy Listul

57 Chevy

Alyssa Nelson

Nathalie Nakashama
Social Worker and Minister

Social Justice Exhibition
In Photo: Board President: Debra Lee Fader Artist: Jammie Niemeyer Board Secretary: Sandy Lynn Erickson

Eilysha Sklar
Eilysha Sklar and Celestial Circus Productions

Minnesota Grown Rock and Blues Band

Mauricio Fernandez
Uruguayan Vocalist

Americana Daughters

Prairie Arts Chorale


New Jerusalem Church Praise Team


Barb Morseth

Nuno Flores
International Violinist

Milan Micronesian Praise Team

Milan Micronesian Praise Team

Milan Micronesian Praise Team

Chris and Vanz Petersen
Get In Touch
For Further information please contact Debra Lee or Ruth Ann:
Debra Lee Fader 320-226-1195
Ruth Ann Lee 320-841-0368