Kindness Alliances and Cultural Diversity Council UMRV is grateful to our Supporters and Sponsors
Thank you to our Generous Supporters and Sponsors
1st Minnesota Realty
Anderson Tebeest Funeral Home
Bills Supermarket
CCM Health
Casey’s General Store
Citizens Alliance Bank-Montevideo
Creative Creations by Jamie
Culligan Water
Dan Hampton
Dan Moen Tech Repair
Dave and Juanita Lauritsen
Deanna Hodge
Diamond Prints of Dawson
Diane Kittleson
Donna Krueger
DJ Systems
Dooley Petroleum
Dustin Citrowske
Entrepreneurs Assistance Network
Erich Winter Sound
Erickson Chevrolet
Exit Realty
Farmers Union-Cenex Oil
French Glass
Glen and Jackie Herfurth
Grandstay Hotel and Suites
Hein Theobold and Associates Inc.
Hollywood on Main, LLC
Jake’s Pizza
Jennie-O’ Turkey
Jerry & Ruth Ann Lee
John Tanquist
JoJo Foods – The Rivers Restaurant
Kibble Equipment
Lawn King-Matt Gilbertson
Leenthrop Insurance
Lein Lumber
Madison Bottling
Marlene Jorgensen
Mary Kay Cosmetics by Deb Fader
Mary Keller
Meadow Creek Hospitality – Assisted Living Community
Merrie Bertrand-Kuhlmann Real Estate
Mighty Cause
Millenial Theater
Minnwest Bank
Monte Motor Sales
Montevideo Area Community Foundation
Montevideo – Granite Falls Corp
Nelson Oyen Torvik Law
Pastor Linda Estling
Paypal Business
Rekow Management, LLC
Schwieters Ford Montevideo
Sandy Lynn Erickson
Shelley O Hansen
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Special Touch Videography
Sportsmen Inn
Talking Waters Brewery
Tech Soup
Valley Images Photography
Walmart – Montevideo
Western Crop Protection
World Mart – Worthington
Join our list of Supporters and Sponsors today!
We offer a variety of payment options including online, and over the phone by calling 320-226-1195
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX.
Or you may mail your check to:
Hollywood on Main
214 S First Street Montevideo, MN 56265
Attn: Debra Lee Fader or Ruth Ann Lee
Please Make Your Checks Payable
“Cultural Diversity Council UMNRV”

We gratefully acknowledge our various Anonymous Sponsors, our community Theatrical Performers, and our Countless Volunteers!
We could not accomplish our Community Charity Drives or Events without Your Generous Support.
Get In Touch
For Further information please contact Debra Lee or Ruth Ann:
Debra Lee Fader 320-226-1195
Ruth Ann Lee 320-841-0368